Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Things I Do Not Enjoy

Hi everybody! You may be thinking, "Finally a new post!" Well, I thought it was time, considering NOBODY WRITES anymore. *cough cough* Jade told me that her mom doesn't like her going on the computer so much anymore. So she is excused from the exaggerated coughing thing. Lol.

Anyway, I thought I would go complain to the world. Here are some things I hate, or rather, harshly dislike:
  • All the people who complain about war or politics or global warming and don't know what they're talking about.
  • People who claim to hate books. Hey, what have books ever done to you? Other than enlighten you ♥.
  • People who crash your conversation. Especially when they have something stupid to say. Seriously, in third period today, at every single thing I said to Springroll and Jade, the guy in front of me (let's call him Ezekiel! XD) had a comment. I was like, "Whoa, there's a guy with the last name Custer (like CUSTARD) in our book, to which Ezekiel said, "You got a problem with custard?"
  • My retainer. It's gross.
  • When people add "El ____ito to a word in every sentence." It's so annoying! You're not speaking Spanish, people.
  • Cheap jewelry that turns brown the second you buy it.
  • The subject of texting. As in, "Ohhmigaawd this guy texted me and said he would text me back after I texted him about this girl who texted my biffle."
  • The "PEACE" craze going on. Ugh it drives me crazy.
  • Jade, Springroll, you saw this coming. The last thing on my list is:
The Twilight Series. Yuck.

So what drives you crazy? Anything really annoying that I need to add to my list? Do you agree with me? Tell me about it!