Thursday, June 25, 2009


*BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP, you have reached Jade's messaging system. If you'd like free popsicles, press 1. If you'd like very interesting blog entries, and a very happy author, COMMENTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!! COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT!!!!!!!!! I feel soooooooooo lonely here........but anyways, that made me abandon my blog entries for a while, until my friend inspired me to write one.....Thanks friend, *wink.
I've been reading my old notebook from years response was "wowwwwwwwwwwwww" one entry would say, "man, I'm so mad at ________(insert name here)" and the next entry would say "i'm not mad at _______(insert name here) anymore" That just goes to show that I suck at writing.
I have an imaginary pet monkey named Paul.......let me describe him.
  • He can play the accordian......He's the best accordian playing monkey in the world, because he's the only accordian playing monkey in the world.
  • He has a drivers license.......his license picture is a picture of a banana, because apparently monkeys are afraid of flash if a police officer ever pulls him over, then he'd turn himself into a banana to match the picture.
  • He drives a golf cart.
  • He is smart, but he can't go to competitions, because humans are apparently allergic to monkeys.
  • He has an invisible suit.
  • He has an underground shuttle to Texas to visit friends.
  • He can actually surf the internet.
  • He is going through the stage where he thinks that all humans are bananas, and he can punish them by eating them.

Hope you guys love Paul just like Paul loves him........Paul says hi (with love).....

Love, Paul.....and me :D


  1. i shall comment :P i luv paul n u!!

  2. ooh!ooh! that's me, right?? *winks back*
    awww thats sweet :)))
    i love paul more than life, becky. jk XD
    i think he's great. and you. you are also great.
    paul and i, we have a very complicated love/hate relationship anyway

  3. lol, you do?!?! shame on Paul for not telling me! yay, you're great too :D:D:D....wait, no not great, amazing, fantisticalamazwonderpipical! :D:D lol
