Friday, December 11, 2009

It's that time just blab blab and blab

Greetings invisible people who never comment on my posts!
It's hard to be mad at you guys for making me all lonely, so I'll stop stressing on you guys every single time. Instead, I'll leave it to the invisible cookie monsters to steal all your cookies (yeah! I went there!). Anyyyyyyyyyyyywho, I'm sure everyone's been busy doing whatever stuff they want to do, and they have no time to look at a pretty boring blog (there I said it, I'm boooooooooooooring :P).
So it's the Christmas season--the time of giving :D (and receiving :P). I think it's also a good time to reflect on everything you're thankful for (i know, Thanksgiving passed, so what?) and how you're loved and lucky in every single way possible. Thinking about this sure would give that warm fuzzy feeling to me :D. So to remind you, and bring a smile to your face, here's some stuff to give creases to the sides of your mouths.
  • Your family (no matter how annoying or embarrassing they may be, there has to be good moments, and you know you'll still always love them no matter what)
  • Your friends- come on! who you laugh with at all those inside jokes and bring you up when you're down
  • Be thankful you have a home and how you're able to go to a computer to read this very article. Some people aren't as fortunate as you!
  • The little things--what little things make you smile?
  • ANYONE YOU LOVE!!! and not just puppy-dog love :P

Anyways, I love you all! That's why I'm not mad at y'all for being so mean to me :P. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

ha! i'm actually typing a post (comment so i don't get lonely)

Yeah, so basically, this blog is sooooooo lonesome!

But part of doing a blog is letting out my feelings, and this is what I strongly feel..THAT YOU SHOULD READ AND ENJOY THIS WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!! (btw, I'm actually a nice person, so don't take this as a threat, lol :P)

Anyways, it's November, that time of month. You know what I luuuuuurrve? Pumpkin Pie!!! omgggggg!! haha, HI FIVE! TURKEY!! you know, when you do the thumbs up sign and the other person does a five, it makes a beautiful beautiful turkey...sniff sniff, it's so beautiful!

What's with the swine flu going around? Bleh, it's been making me sooooo germophobic. I ATE CHICKEN NUGGETS WITH A FORK!!! lol. All my friends look at me strangely, but oh well, better eat with a fork than get swine flu.

Talk to you guys later! I'm serious though, comment; just donate a couple of seconds of your time. Don't look at me like that. Come on, don't make me go on my knees >.<
-Jade was here

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Nice Long Post.

As I write this, I am laying on heavily patched-up sheets that have "YMCA" printed on them and I just finished separating my eyelashes with a teasing comb. Yes, we sure have a lot to catch up on. So I guess I'll start from the beginning.

Once upon a time... jk :D
I'm on vacation right now in Penang, Malaysia. It's safe to say I love this place now <3. My mom (and Jimmy Choo) are from here. The food is great, the landscape is gorgeous, and the shopping is ah-mazing.

My family and I were staying in my grandma's house earlier, but then we came to stay at this hotel. I have to admit, I like my grandma's house better. This hotel is really quite creepy. My parents say it's a classic chinese hotel and that it's for backpackers. I can't get over the patches in the sheets and the dingy towels that smell like sweat. The room is painted pastel colors (pink and blue) and the lights are very dim. At night I get scared, but I know my God is with me :) *cue warm and fuzzy feeling* What I love, though, is that it's actually the size two of hotel rooms and it's super-clean.

I'm a bit bored now, though. I left my books and stuff at my grandma's house. I wanted to go on Facebook (I'm so addicted now) but I tried to log on on my dad's laptop and I couldn't verify my birthdate. I joined FB with a fake birthday. So I've been seperating my eyelashes with my fine-tooth comb until now.

Hmm... that reminds me... I MUST let you know something. I just got the Bumpit and it's GREAT! DO NOT buy it on TV. Walgreen's sells them for only $10/ *Disclaimer: Not all Walgreen's may carry them. Just most, I think* Anyway, the Bumpit stays in my hair all day and looks fabulous. I lovveee it!

Well, my contacts are getting dry. Luv you!

Thursday, June 25, 2009


*BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP, you have reached Jade's messaging system. If you'd like free popsicles, press 1. If you'd like very interesting blog entries, and a very happy author, COMMENTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!! COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT!!!!!!!!! I feel soooooooooo lonely here........but anyways, that made me abandon my blog entries for a while, until my friend inspired me to write one.....Thanks friend, *wink.
I've been reading my old notebook from years response was "wowwwwwwwwwwwww" one entry would say, "man, I'm so mad at ________(insert name here)" and the next entry would say "i'm not mad at _______(insert name here) anymore" That just goes to show that I suck at writing.
I have an imaginary pet monkey named Paul.......let me describe him.
  • He can play the accordian......He's the best accordian playing monkey in the world, because he's the only accordian playing monkey in the world.
  • He has a drivers license.......his license picture is a picture of a banana, because apparently monkeys are afraid of flash if a police officer ever pulls him over, then he'd turn himself into a banana to match the picture.
  • He drives a golf cart.
  • He is smart, but he can't go to competitions, because humans are apparently allergic to monkeys.
  • He has an invisible suit.
  • He has an underground shuttle to Texas to visit friends.
  • He can actually surf the internet.
  • He is going through the stage where he thinks that all humans are bananas, and he can punish them by eating them.

Hope you guys love Paul just like Paul loves him........Paul says hi (with love).....

Love, Paul.....and me :D

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Things I Do Not Enjoy

Hi everybody! You may be thinking, "Finally a new post!" Well, I thought it was time, considering NOBODY WRITES anymore. *cough cough* Jade told me that her mom doesn't like her going on the computer so much anymore. So she is excused from the exaggerated coughing thing. Lol.

Anyway, I thought I would go complain to the world. Here are some things I hate, or rather, harshly dislike:
  • All the people who complain about war or politics or global warming and don't know what they're talking about.
  • People who claim to hate books. Hey, what have books ever done to you? Other than enlighten you ♥.
  • People who crash your conversation. Especially when they have something stupid to say. Seriously, in third period today, at every single thing I said to Springroll and Jade, the guy in front of me (let's call him Ezekiel! XD) had a comment. I was like, "Whoa, there's a guy with the last name Custer (like CUSTARD) in our book, to which Ezekiel said, "You got a problem with custard?"
  • My retainer. It's gross.
  • When people add "El ____ito to a word in every sentence." It's so annoying! You're not speaking Spanish, people.
  • Cheap jewelry that turns brown the second you buy it.
  • The subject of texting. As in, "Ohhmigaawd this guy texted me and said he would text me back after I texted him about this girl who texted my biffle."
  • The "PEACE" craze going on. Ugh it drives me crazy.
  • Jade, Springroll, you saw this coming. The last thing on my list is:
The Twilight Series. Yuck.

So what drives you crazy? Anything really annoying that I need to add to my list? Do you agree with me? Tell me about it!

Monday, February 16, 2009

FPA and other stuff

hellooooooooooooooooooooooo? anyone there? Please pick up !!! Beeeeeeeeeeeep.
Hello there, I'm glad you finally picked up, thought you were gone for a second. It's me, Popsicle-Chan, here to inform you about the FPA. I'm sorry Springroll, you were going to talk about it right? But seeing that my impatience is wearing thin, I'll just explain the basics. The FPA is the Foon Promotion Association *Clap clap clap* Now for you spork-hating people, you may be thinking, foons are the same as sporks, BUT YOU'RE WRONG!!!!If it was a spork, would it have awesome mascots made by our lovely Springroll? Definitely noooooooooooooooooo! I already ranted about sporks, so you should already know why sporks are evil (just in case you didn't, scroll all the way down to the second to last post, and check it out :D. Our adorable mascots help promote our association. There are a variety of foons that hopefully Springroll will be explaining soon. Other than that, Friday the 13th passed, can I hear three cheers? Whenever Friday the 13th comes by, I am excited to prove it's unluckiness wrong. I had an awesome Friday the 13th. If anyone had a bad or wonderful or neutral friday the 13th, please tell me about it! I'd love to hear how it turned out. And oooooooooooo, Valentines Day passed, tell me about that too! For me I just sat around, and I know a kid who's birthday was on that day. I wished him happy birthday, but some meany weeny cheesy kids started making fun of him, and saying how he'll never find love. I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE DO THAT!!!!!!! It gets me furious with a steaming head that will set of fire alarms!!!!He's still a kid, what do they know? Don't you just hate it when people make fun of others? Those people have no other time and are wasting their own lives doing it. I'd love to hear comments, even from authors or anyone. I don't care if authors comment on their own blog, so what (ooooo, that's a song)?

Popsicle-Chan over and out (what does over and out mean anyways? does it mean you got ran over so you passed out? lol)

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Hey everyone! It's me, Stitch. I was just wondering... does anyone other than the blog writers look at/follow our blog? I don't know all of the people who write this, soo, um >_<... Just wondering. If there is anybody, then please comment! Yayy. =) So anyway, yesterday was this huge Chinese New Year festival at *address withheld! don't be nosy.* I performed a hip-hop dance there to So What/When I Grow Up. [Lately, I have been tired of those songs bouncing around in my head. Haha.] So it was really fun and I had a great time. I could tell you all the details about the dance and the choreography, but who wants to read that? X3 So here are some random fun facts about my dance:
  • We bought our costumes at, ahem, LoveCULTURE and Forever 21.
  • They involved this purple lacy corset (NOT one of those super tight ones that have wire or boning inside). Apparently, they weren't sparkly enough so our parents were supposed to sew sequins on. My mom ran out of time, so it was only sequined on one side.
  • I wore makeup. :) My mom is super strict and I am not allowed to wear makeup regularly until she reconsiders at age 17.
  • I wore *ready for this?* fake eyelashes!! The brand, 'modlash' instantly appealed to me. But we were forced to and I would never have been brave enough to buy them on my own.
  • I had to, erm, slide under a guy's legs. Ick.
  • My shoe started coming off halfway through and I started to fall behind. But I caught up again!
  • One of the guy dancers sneezed at the end. lol ;)
  • The choreographer is 17.
  • We ROCKED.
Love you!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Crushes Absolutely Crush Me

Okay, by reading the title, you're probably thinking that I had a crush on someone and something went wrong and all that blah, but that's what happened. Oi, I am here to vent my annoyance of my friend's crush. Let's give this friend a name, shall we, I'll name it Sam (you decide on your own if it's a boy or a girl). So anyways, Sam has a crush on my other friend.......hmmmm what's a good name that suits both a girl and boy.....well, let's just name this person Bob (yes, bob can be a boy or a girl, you got a problem with that?) so yeah, Sam has a crush on Bob, and yet Sam doesn't know whether Bob really likes Sam, so looky here, I have to play Mercury, the messenger, and Sam wants me to talk with Bob and find out whether Sam really likes Bob, but I want to be fair to both Sam and Bob and not nose into Bob's business. I WON'T SAY ANYTHING ELSE, so I'm sooooooooooo sorry Sam So sorry Sam, I think this "crush" is ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE, and I always want to go "awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, ain't that SWEET!!!!!!!" but be an man/woman, and tell Bob yourself. After going through this experience, I learn how crushes can really annoy your friends.............wait........I STILL LOVE IT HOW MY FRIENDS GO CRUSH-CRAZY, so you guys, I'm still curious to know who you have a crush on, and I don't mind being messenger, but don't talk about it every single second!!!! I mean, I'll just go nuts! I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY IF MY FRIEND READS THIS AND DISCOVERS THAT IT'S THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE DON'T BE MAAAAADDDD, BUT IT'S JUST THAT I NEED TO VENT MY ANNOYANCE!!!!!!!!!!This experience made me learn that I need to not annoy my friends :P.
I'm probably not going to have a crush in a LOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGG time. I am sooooooo sorry. I didn't even say hi to you guys. Let me introduce myself. Hi, My name is Jade, nice to meet you *sticks out hand* SHAKE IT!!!!!! I command you to, or you'll be enveloped a swirling mass of spaghetti-bunnies (love you spaghetti bunny) :D. ttyl, BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
P.S. .........uhhhh......I don't know what to say, i just love saying P.S. :P

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Stitch Loves Vintage

Hi there everyone!
Ugh Jade, Springroll,- and all the others:
Sorry I haven't written in a while! I'm so busy!

But now I'm blogging, so yay! Well, the other day I was looking at vintage stores online- okay, so maybe I had a little extra time!- and I found these really cool ones! I hate to, like, advertise for them but they look soo cool!
There's Decades Vintage, which has this really cute mod dress! (Ladies Dept, Dresses, eighth dress on the page!) Wow, if only I could have it.
There's The Rusty Zipper, which has the most amazing vintage sewing patterns (now that I can afford!). I love this one especially, a pinstripe skirt suit with elbow-length sleeves. Ugh, it sounds bad when you read it, but seeing it is so pretty!

But the only vintage thing that I own is not actually vintage. It's just a headband, actually, BUT it looks pretty Roarin '20s Flapper to me. It's covered in satin and has feathers on the side, and a mesh net that goes over your eye. Here's one that looks sorta like it. I wear it to school and people make fun of me. *grumblegrumble* LOL jk Well, Jade and Springroll LOVE it!

Okay, well that's enough rant for one day. Bye!

Friday, January 2, 2009


BAIBAI. is right.
I deleted two of my blogs and made a new one! X3 Coz apparently no one was commenting on my old blogs...

so--- if you'd like to be an author could you give me your email address? cuz right now---i'm on a brain blocakge.

kai chan

Angel, apparently

Well,well. I just figured out what my japanese name meant! HUZZAH. is means angel lol. XD
So,,, since apparently everyone's doing hrm, intros now! so will i! XD

Well, nyuuuuuuu, some facty facts bout me! -
  • name is Mitsukai Nana Hoshi Kurai, but PLEASEEEEEEE call me Kai =) pishpish
  • I like using: pishpish, hrm, ,,,(instead of ...), nyuu, naiyuu, snarfgigglesnarfsnarf, clapping sarcastically
  • I am ABSOLUTELY ADICTED TO spelling things wrong, not really, but I AM ABSOLUTELY ADICTED TO CARAMELLDANSEN. if you have NO idea what it is you may as well drown yourself in a sea of boiling hot water with sharks swimming below.
  • I have an RPG called MM XD
  • I like bluuuuueeeeeee
  • someof my bestestbestest friends ever are popsicle-SAN, crayonz-CHAN, Ali-SAN, Nomi-sama, Najomie-chan, Chrisyteen-neechan, Rhi-chan, Aubzy-chan, etc-chan.
  • i LOVE animes and mangas =)
  • NEVER cosplayed since my mom won't let me... BUT i did dress up as L for school, but not cosplayed FORMALLY... never went to a supercon either =(
  • Mitsukai apparently means Angel X3
  • Rough translation of my name by me is- (Mitsukai Nana Hoshi Kurai) Seven Dark Angel Stars. i know. ROUGH.
  • i'm not japanese! XD
  • I have awesome hats that will destroy the world. I -hrm- have a white kitty hat..
  • my DA is
  • I have so much things to say about myself, i will stop right now X3

SOOOOO------- think you have enough factyfactingfacts bout me"?



Kai Chan- <33

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Nyaa~ It's Springroll!!! :D

Well haii there tiger! ^-^ In case u didn't get the memo (which u probably didn't, cuz no one gets memos nowadays), I'm Springroll, but u can call me Spring-chan! I'm friends with Jade-chan and Stitch, just so ya know ^___^ Pleased to meecha!!! I'm pure Taiwanese, and I love asian food, and pretty much anything asian, especially anime and manga! I say 'Nyaa' a lot, and also if I see something cute I'll usually say 'Kueee!!!' and sometimes I'll say OMG, but if I do, then I have to say it like 'oh-em-GEEEEEEEE!!!', like that. Heehee =D

Things I luuurve:
~God (I'm Christian, like Stitch ^-^ *hugs her*
~Music (hehe, pretty much anything LOUD)
~Shiny objects *oooooh shineeeeeh*
~Hairclips (they're awesome. Why? Because I said so.)
~DDR ^_____^
~Asian candeeeh!!! Especially Pocky, and Hi-Chew!!! hehe ^^
~Drawing manga and writing fanfictions (FF: TearsofCalypso)
~Cosplaying!!! >u< (If u don't know what that is, lookit up! ^^)
and most of all...
~My BUDDEEEHS!!!!! =D They are the BOMB DOT COM!!! xD

So... yeah, I think that's it ^___^ Talk to me! I'm a nice person... right? Riiiight? *everyone walks away slowly* Aww man.


Heehee ^___^ Springroll out! <3