Sunday, December 14, 2008


I'm gonna steal popsicle's second post too!! >8D

And talk more and more about stuffs. >,<

Anyway, I live in a world where magic exists and it so does too exist. I am the COMMANDO
!!! woot for me. And since Popsicle's the only one on my blog right now, she's my CHIEF COMMANDO.!! and yeah.


  1. hey how do i show up as a follower?i mean, i could be one....-,-

  2. Well, all you have to do is press the button in the upper right hand corner "Follow this Blog"
    and voila, you're a follower

  3. Are we letting viewers post a comment, or are we chatting online using this blog's comment list???!!!
    And who are Stich and flavorful crayons????!!!!Popsicle!!!!Please answer!!!!!
