Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Holiday Songs

Speaking of them, I have a Thanksgiving song, but I didn't make it up, I got it from the Nickelodeon(if that's how you spell it) magazine.
"Here at the Children's Table"is sung to the tune of Rudolph the red nosed reindeer.

Here at the children's table,
Isn't where I want to be.
You get the fancy china,
We only get paper plates,
You get the matching cushions,
While we sit on old milk crates.
How I dream of front row seats,
Near the candied yams,
Turkey, ham, and even peas,
Lots of stuffing, seconds, please!
I'll be on my best behavior,
Don't you know I'll do my best,
I'll even clear the dishes,
If you answer my request!

Again, I did not make this up.


  1. Popsicle, is Sun bun Sunny or Ali***?

  2. I like emi the yellow ducky better, though I'm probably biased, since I made the lyrics myself

  3. YO WE DO NOT USE MY NAME! and is spaghetti bunny the twins?

  4. oh and spaghetti bunny, I was wondering if you had like a camping tent... because my parents want to have like a camping 'party' sort of where asian dominate the ground... lol jk! where we get together and camp for like 2 days and 2 nights.... i guess it sounds like fun, but we want to take a poll on how many people really have tents...
