Monday, December 29, 2008


Haha, well this is my first post, so hello there! I'm Stitch, a friend of Jade and Springroll x3. [Heyy guys!! ; )]

About my name: I love, love, loved Stitch ever since I was on a commercial for Lilo and Stitch happy meal toys when I was 8. And now, I still really do love Stitch. [You should see my room, I have like 10 little Stitch toys, all of which I make clothes for! x3]Ooh, and that brings me to my next point. I love to sew, which is also why I was named Stitch. See what I did there? Teehee... I completed my very first dress (for myself) on the 20th, (12-20-08). It was pink with a ruched top and sleeves, and I sewed eyelet lace on the bottom hem and on the little pockets I made. I am extremely proud!

So some of the things I like are:
  • sewing
  • Stitch
  • Project Runway (Go Kenley!)
  • Neopets (I'm princessmonster, Neofriend me!)
  • Jon and Kate+ Eight
  • Jesus (I'm a Christian :])
  • purple (sorry for ruining your green and yellow thing, guys)
  • A Tree Grows In Brooklyn (an amazing book for sure)
  • Paramore (Best.Band.Ever!)
  • Coldplay (♥ them too)
  • Christmas
  • Jade and Springroll (mushy hug time)... etc.

So anyway, umm... this is just a bit late, but:
Merrrryy Christmaasss! ♥
Jesus is the Reason for the Season.

Luv ya, Bye! (haha well that was tacky)



  1. OMG stitch, ur so amazing and cool! i wish i would be like you! alas, you are much too cool for me. *sigh*

    okay, so maybe i got tired of waiting for someone to post a comment. nothing weird there! gosh, stop laughing at me!

  2. yayyyyyyyy, i would've commented early, but I was eating dinner! I loooooovvve your post!
    Congrats! You finally finished your dress! I bet it looks perfect!

  3. Are we letting viewers post a comment, or are we chatting online using this blog's comment list???!!!
    And who are Stich, springroll, and flavorful crayons????!!!!Popsicle!!!!Please answer!!!!!

  4. they're my friends. You know Flavorful crayons, let me give you a clue: she hangs out with me and kai you know now?

  5. and her name ryhmes with funny and bunny and runny and sunny... hinthint

    pishpish and hi stitch-san! XD i like stitch too, but is not as much as you probably ^^;

  6. Yes! People commented! I♥you all! Free cookies for everyone!
