Sunday, December 14, 2008

The name Popsicle-Chan

hey peoples of the universe!! Jade here to correct what Kai-Chan said.
*sob, Kai-chan stole my first AND second post, I mean, that's sad, well I was and still busy, so I guess I do deserve that*
First of all, there's nothing wrong in not having a last name *wags finger of doom* It's unique, and this world is full of Uniqueness!
Also, I am not POPSICLE-SAN!!! I mean, I don't mind the whole
popsicle thing, but I will be known as Popsicle-Chan.
San is too respectful and it makes me feel old. I for one can't imagine myself as a crazy old lady surrounded by 100 cats. Anyways, those of you who are
wondering why I'm known as "Popsicle-Chan," it's not b/c I'm a huge
fan of popsicles, I mean, I like popsicles, but not OBSESSED.
Obsessions usually arent my thing. Maybe I shouldn't tell the real reason why it's called popsicles rock, but anyways, they do. I am called many names, but one of my friends asked me if she could call me that, and I will willingly assume that name for my friend.
But I have to say, this nickname is a first, i never heard of anyone else called popsicle!


  1. woah, nice. but IZUMI called you popsicle first, remember?

  2. actually, it was spaghettibunny, I think

  3. Are we letting viewers post a comment, or are we chatting online using this blog's comment list???!!!
    And who are Stich and flavorful crayons????!!!!Popsicle!!!!Please answer!!!!!
